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Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I see the dentist for a check-up and cleaning?

Most children and adults should see their dentist and hygienist for a regular cleaning and check-up every 12 months. Tobacco and alcohol use, diabetes, pregnancy, periodontal and gum disease, poor oral hygiene are some of the many factors that your dentist takes into consideration when deciding how often you need your dental cleaning and check-up. People at a greater risk of oral diseases should have dental checkups more often.

What precautions do you take to ensure patient safety?
Is it important to replace missing teeth?
Is my treatment going to hurt?
How safe are dental x-rays?
Which is the best toothpaste to use?
Do I need to use a mouthwash?
Is an electric toothbrush more effective than a manual one?
What makes you different from any other dental practice I can visit?
Do you accept referrals?
What is your complaint procedure?